Kids on the Future of Tech

Latitude in conjunction with ReadWriteWeb has released research on what children want from their technology.  It’s a fascinating look at the future from a child’s perspective.  You can download the entire summary here. Here are the highlights: •    39% of...

The Digital Diet

I came across a couple of great resources for Digital Immigrants who want to become more fluent in the language and tools of Digital Learners.  The Digital Diet is a new book by Andrew Churches, Lee Crocket, and Ian Jukes.  The contributors have also create some...

What are kids searching for?

First off, a tip of the hat to for presenting the research link. As a children’s pastor interested in technology, media, and the Internet I am always looking for resources related to the way kids interact in the digital world. ...

Idea of the Day: Kindness Class

Online classes are becoming more and more common – not just for adults seeking flexible degree programs, but for children.  I came across a great article in the Seattle Times about an online class for kids about kindness.  Here’s what Dan Pink had to say...

Twitter Speed

Previously I wrote about five forces or broad trends that we are facing as children’s and family ministry leaders (the rise of the individual, connectivity, Twitter Speed, Rip-Mix-Burn-Share, and Motion Blur).  I’d like to address each one of these trends...