A recent study by the AASA and Americans for the Arts looked at how employers and school superintendents look at the word “creativity.” According to Daniel Pink, “in schools, problems are almost always clearly defined, confined to a single discipline, and have one right answer.” In the workplace, something flips. “Problems are usually poorly designed, multi-disciplinary, and have several possible answers, none of them perfect.”
Let’s break this down. What do problems look like in ministry? What are we spending most of our time doing in children’s ministry? Are we teaching facts about the Bible? There are times in our services when we don’t even have time to get into the real-life, “ruthless application” of Scripture. If we do get there, how relevant and raw are we getting? How many times are we camping on the “make good choices” as the ubiquitous solution for application?
I’m curious in diving into this topic with more of you! I’d like to know how we can get more creative in children’s and family ministry in the realm of application and problem solving. Let’s do it.
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