We finished three weeks of Hot U at the end of July. It was an intense time that required over 400 volunteers and served over 1000 kids. One of the things that we looked at this year was trying to find a way to allow the kids a place to catalog what they had learned and experienced. This year we went low-tech. We placed a simple poster in each room with a key question on it and asked the kids to write on the poster.
We asked kids when they felt that God was with them. We received responses like, “At my dad’s funeral.” “Never.” “When I worship.” It was a simple journal-like way to get the pulse of what God was doing.
Next year I might try GuestReel. GuestReel is a Mac software application that turns your computer into a video kiosk. It looks incredibly simple. GuestReel allows users to put in their name and write a message, then record a video using the computer’s built-in camera or a connected device.
It would be SO awesome to see kids respond after large group in this way. There are so many possibilities! I’d love to hear from those of you who have either used GuestReel or a video-log to capture kid’s messages.
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