The Spark Conference is over and I have to admit, I have not had more fun at any other conference I have attended.  Spark is actually a great place for me to rub shoulders with people who want to network, who ask questions, and who are in the trenches of children’s and family ministry.  The workshops offered this year were phenomenal.  Dr. DesAnne Hippe, Dr. Denise Muir-Kjesbo, Perry Downs, Amy Dolan, Jeff White, Dawn Heckert – these were the highlights.  I’m proud to say that several Spark speakers released the rights to their material to the Cory Center and we will be developing those sessions into podcasts as a resource to you!  This may take a few weeks to process on our end, but I’m excited to listen to Brodie Swanson and Dean Butterfield on my way back to Illinois!

If you have not attended Spark in the past, you really should take a look at it for 2010.  It’s inexpensive and packed with awesome teaching and stellar content.  The team at Elmbrook Church (under the leadership of Bethel MACFM grads Edie Mueller and Brodie Swanson) should be proud.

If you’ve had a great experience at Spark, talk about it here!